“Because questions are intrinsically related to action, they spark and direct attention, perception, energy and effort, and so are at the heart of the evolving forms that our lives assume … Creativity requires asking genuine questions, those to which an answer is not already known. Questions function as open-handed invitations to creativity, calling forth that which doesn’t yet exist.”
~ Marilee Adams
ICIF International Centre for Infrastructure Futures
Name of Project:
ICIF International Centre for Infrastructure Futures
Submitted by:
Tom Dolan
Short Description of Project
We are 6 UK based universities (+industry/gov) partners conducting research into Systemic interdisciplinary Infrastructure challenges. We contend that because infrastructure systems are highly interdependent with one another, regulatory processes, supply chains, governance models, natural processes, infrastructure can be more effectively managed if decisions are not taken within traditional sectors, but at a higher multi-sector level. Processes and trust are needed to collaboratively develop understanding of, and mutually beneficial solutions to, shared problems. For this reason we have tried to put shared learning through experience at the heart of our research.
For an upcoming event we are looking to use World Cafe with a large group of industry experts to have conversations about a range of topical ‘grand challenges’ in a way that shares experiences and perspectives, builds mutual understanding. We would value advice on how to most effectively use World Cafe to communicate and develop our research.
Academic Home:
Where is the Project Taking Place?
UK www.icif.ac.uk
Your Role:
Centre Co-Ordinator
Who Else is Involved?
The International Centre for Infrastructure Futures
ICIF brings together leading academics from six UK universities: University College London, Cranfield University and the universities of Bristol, Brighton, Sussex and Southampton.
ICIF is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the Economic and Social Research Council (Grant reference: EP/K012347/1)
Category(s) of Research:
Research that uses World Café in some way
Additional Information
I have applied World Cafe before, but sadly inexpertly.
If you know of any published information on the World Café, including professional or academic journal articles, white papers, grey papers, etc., please send us details – either the article itself, a link to it, or the author, title, and where you saw it – so we can include it it here to support other researchers and interested parties.