ProAction Cafe on the Future of Democracy
ONLINEIf Democracy is today as broken as it seems to be, what needs to be hosted so it can begin to heal? Join us for a ProAction Cafe on the Future of Democracy
If Democracy is today as broken as it seems to be, what needs to be hosted so it can begin to heal? Join us for a ProAction Cafe on the Future of Democracy
In this unique - yet shared - experience of social distancing and quarantine, we invite time to reflect on our personal and collective humanity and sense of belonging...
In this 25th Anniversary year for the World Cafe, we're offering this event as a way to come together as a "central garden" of participatory practitioners & celebrate Finn's legacy... all who feel connected to Finn and his inquiry into engaging collective intelligence and the “Magic in the Middle” are welcome!
Consider this an invitation to further grow a critical mass of people opening the door to dialogue, possibility, and continued emerging collective wisdom. We are inviting innovative pioneers to a World Cafe Online Inquiry into the essence and practices of collaborative life-long learning. The expansion of this consciousness is served by sharing the stories and […]
Join a live global community for courageous conversations grounded in authenticity, shared learning, and heart. This online inquiry engages the essence, practice, and cultivation of collaborative wisdom