Conversations for the 21st Century

by | Mar 14, 2011 | Announcements, Online | 6 comments


World Cafe Online Services partner WeDialogue is launching a series of free, interactive public conversations called Conversations for the 21st Century. These events will be telephone-based and use a World Cafe format. Each will focus on a different topic of significance for life in the 21st Century – economics, health, the environment, etc. – and feature a triad of "conversation starters" (thanks to the Heartland community for this term).

The three conversation starters are chosen for their diversity of perspective and together they will seed the conversation with insights based on their work in the subject area.

The first of the series, Community for the 21st Century, is happening on April 1st and will feature Peter Block, Nancy White, and Maria Scordialos and Sarah Whiteley as conversation starters.

Come, be part of the conversation!

More about the Community for the 21st Century session.
or REGISTER NOW (you must register to participate)

More about the Conversations for the 21st Century series.



  1. David Barnebey

    I really appreciate the diversity of subject matter today. The emergent consciousness of community and spirituality is hopeful as the grass-roots force for change. By the way, I’m interested in knowing experienced facilitators in World Cafe and helpful technologies for conversation. Thanks.

  2. Amy Lenzo

    Thank you for coming and participating, David. We’ll be in touch with you directly about your inquiry.

  3. Franis Engel

    Are there graphic recordings of this event yet? Feel as if I missed so much of it because of “technical difficulties.”
    Hey! What else would you expect – to try to orchestrate this on April Fool’s?

  4. Amy Lenzo

    Hi Franis.

    We’re still waiting for Susan Kelly’s graphic reflections. As soon as they come in I’ll be posting the story, and sending a link to all the participants along with a link to a survey and invitation to join us for the next session on May 20th.

    It’s funny how our perceptions work- the actual technical issues effected only about 5-6 minutes out of the total 3 hour event, but it felt in greater proportion to many of us (including me as the host, believe me! 🙂

    I appreciate your sense of humor and positive attitude. 🙂

  5. Elisabeth Gortschacher

    Hello Amy,

    What a wonderful experience to be part of the Conversation Community for the 21st Century. The Graphics are amazing. Being a visual learner I love them. What a gift -I am grateful.

    Thank you

  6. Amy Lenzo

    Thank YOU Elizabeth! It’s people like you and David above and the other participants who made the experience what it was. I’m so glad you were able to make it.



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