World Cafe at Bioneers

Join us this year in a giant tent on the green at the world-renowned Bioneers conference in San Rafael, California for one or more of the following three sessions.

Bioneers is offering the World Cafe community a 20% Speakers Network Discount if you use this link to register.

(Friday, October 20th: 4:30-6:00 Pacific Time)
We Are Wiser Together: Igniting Possibilities through Intergenerational Partnerships | World Cafe
We are one generation waking up together across the cycle of life to the urgent need for coming together on behalf of what we believe in. Join us for a series of participant-driven World Cafe conversations about how we can collaborate to shape the future by synergizing the unique gifts of all generations. The Cafe provides a hospitable space for integration and reflection on what is emerging at the conference, and building partnerships of personal and professional value. Let’s create tomorrow, together! With: David Shaw, Santa Cruz Permaculture & UCSC Common Ground Center, Amy Lenzo, weDialogue & The World Cafe Community Foundation, and students from the Helios School.

(Saturday, October 21st, 4:30-6:00 Pacific Time)
Democracy, Free Speech and Media | World Cafe
The media is under attack, with assaults on journalists and net neutrality, gaslighting, alternative facts, fake news, surveillance, monopolization, and corruption to name a few. Inspired by today’s sessions on democracy and journalism, this highly interactive session provides an intergenerational space for conversation and action planning. What time is it, and what is called for? How specifically might we take collective and wise action to protect and advance our constitutional rights to free speech and free information?
With Denis Moynihan, Free Speech TV CEO & Democracy Now! Co-Founder, David Shaw, Santa Cruz Permaculture & UCSC Common Ground Center, Amy Lenzo, weDialogue & The World Cafe Community Foundation.

(Sunday, October 22nd, 2:45 – 4:15 Pacific Time)
Permaculture Meetup: Cross Pollination, Collaboration and Integration | World Cafe
California has one of the most active permaculture communities in the world. Come connect with permies and projects, continue the conversation from permaculture sessions at the conference, and learn exciting news from the Northern CA Permaculture Convergence this month.
With David Shaw, Santa Cruz Permaculture & UCSC Common Ground Center & Amy Lenzo, weDialogue & The World Cafe Community Foundation; Plus Special Guests Pandora Thomas and Starhawk.