“I am cognizant of the interrelatedness of all communities… We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly.”
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
Social Media
Social media is transforming the way we connect and communicate with each other, and the following locations provide opportunities for the international World Café community to meet, engage, inspire, and learn from one another.
We invite you to join us in creating and nurturing a warm, welcoming, hospitable environment, wherever we gather – online, or face-to-face.
The Community Table
We’ve recently hit “refresh” in our global online community and the 5,000+ members of the community of practice that has served us well for over a decade are moving to the subscription-based Community Table, where we will have a much smaller but more actively engaged and curated space for an exchange of resources, conversation, and collaboration. The Community Table is for everyone. No one will be turned away for lack of funds – read more about the Community Table for details but you need only to contact us to let us know what works for you, and you will be accepted immediately.
The World Café Community Blog
Inspired and information posts from our global community.
Join the World Cafe Mailing List
Stay connected to community news and learn about upcoming events and activities as they happen via our free monthly newsletters.
The World Café on FaceBook
The Facebook phenomenon continues… and offers an excellent opportunity to check-in, connect with the international community, and show your support.
The World Café on Twitter
If you prefer short headlines and the ability to sort your news by topic, Twitter is a great option for staying in touch.
The World Café on LinkedIn
Join the active group of professionals on LinkedIn to explore a wide range of relevant topics in an easily manageable format.
The World Café on Flickr
Plug into the stream of World Cafe images from all over the world. Make us a contact and tag your World Café photos with “theworldcafe” so we can see yours too.
The World Café in Second Life
There has been a World Cafe presence in this user-generated virtual world since 2006; contact Amy Lenzo (“Lucida Skytower” in Second Life) if you are interested in attending or helping to host an “in-World” Café.