Co-Evolving our Futures

by | Sep 9, 2015 | 20th Anniversary Messages

juanita-brown-landscape-300x266Since the World Cafe was born in our living room 20 years ago, I have been completely amazed and humbled by its spread across the globe. It is my deepest hope that both the Spirit and the practice of the World Cafe will continue to be of service to life-affirming futures in business, government, and not-for-profit organizations as well as to communities big and small in the decades ahead.

Now that I’ve entered my 70’s and a new stage of my own life,  I’m especially excited to see the growing cadre of next generation hosts who are committed to nurturing “conversations that matter” as a co-evolutionary force for the common good.  I also look forward to continuing my active participation with the Wiser Together Collaboratory which is strengthening the movement toward partnering across generations around critical societal and organizational issues as we co-evolve futures together that are worthy of our best efforts.

The personal relationships David and I have enjoyed over these years last 20 years with the World Cafe have enriched our lives immeasurably. We are grateful to all of you in the World Cafe community who have brought so much love into our midst,  and to the deep friendships among World Cafe hosts and others in kindred communities that have been at the heart of this work always.

As we have in the past, we will contribute all of our book royalties in the coming years to the World Cafe Community Foundation to help the gift of the World Cafe continue to travel. We hope that many of you will join us in “paying it forward” during this 20th Anniversary Celebration of Impact so that others can continue to benefit from the World Cafe as we enter the next wonderful years of its life!

Fond best wishes,

Juanita Brown

Please join us in celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the World Café.


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