A Genesis of Hope

by | Jan 14, 2016 | Announcements, Europe, Impact

With deep gratitude for our community of practice, I invite you to read some lines about one of the initiatives that has emerged out of the Impact Jamboree.Open Hearts Logo

Open Hearts supports volunteers who care for refugees – offering a variety of resources, and co-creating safe spaces for bearing witness for each other.

Open Hearts sees the need for hosted conversations, bringing together volunteers, NGO’s, governments and refugees; on all levels, ranging from local to regional and national and to international.

The Impact Jamboree has allowed me to deeply experience the power and potency of hospitable space, be it online or offline.

Hospitable space is so much more than some flowers and coloured pens. It is more than a beautifully designed invitation. It is more than healthy and tasty food. Of course, all of these ingredients help a lot… but there is more.

Hospitable space is space in which all what needs to be expressed can be witnessed.

Hospitable space is space that is held in awareness and openness. No need to fix brokenness.

Hospitable space is spacious. And this kind of spaciousness is far beyond our Chronos-time. The spaciousness is shaped by our hearts’ openness.

During our Impact Jamboree time, I came across the writing of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. In his book “The Dignity of Difference”, Rabbi Sacks says:

“The greatest single antidote to violence is conversation, speaking our fears, listening to the fears of others, and in that sharing of vulnerabilities discovering a genesis of hope.”

May this work of Open Hearts and may all our work be blessed through that sharing of vulnerabilities.

May the light of the World Café community shine brightly, as a lighthouse in the dark.



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